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Getting a puppy used to wearing a collar


Getting a puppy used to wearing a collar

It is important to get your puppy used to wearing a collar and harness and being on a lead, as soon as possible. This will make things a lot easier for you when it comes to training and walking your dog. Here are some tips to help get your puppy used to wearing a collar.

As they will wear this most of the time with their ID tag on, once they are fully vaccinated and can start going outside, you must start using a collar early on.

A lot of breeders put something around the puppies’ necks to help identify them, so your puppy may be used to having something on them already which will make your job easier.

Some dogs can take to a collar straight away, some may take a few days, but for some, it might take longer and that is completely normal.

Choosing the right collar

First and foremost, make sure you get a suitable collar. Having the right size and type of collar will help to ensure that your dog is not in any discomfort and get them used to it quicker.

It may seem obvious, but if you have a puppy, get a collar for a puppy. If you have an adult dog, get a collar for an adult dog.

Opt for a lightweight, wide, flat collar, as opposed to a collar that is thin in width or round like a rope or chain collar.

Wide collars will be more comfortable for your puppy as they will apply less pressure and be less likely to dig into their neck and throat.

As your puppy will be growing rapidly, remember to regularly check and adjust or replace the collar for a bigger one, so that it does not get too tight.

Make sure the collar is not too big or too small. You should be able to fit two fingers under the collar when it is on your dog.

To ensure you can quickly and easily remove and put on the collar, choose a collar with some form of clip fastening rather than a buckle.

Getting your puppy used to a collar

When training your dog to do or get used to anything, you should always remain calm and relaxed, and be patient. Your dog can sense when you are stressed or tense.

You should act as though the collar is not a big deal. The less fuss you make over it, the less likely they are to dislike it.

To begin with, start by leaving the collar on for five minutes then remove it and keep it off for half an hour to an hour, then repeat, gradually increasing the amount of time that they have the collar on for each time.

This will help to get them used to wearing the collar, and also to having it taken off and put back on again.

Whilst they are getting used to wearing a collar, do not leave it on them whilst they are unsupervised to prevent them from getting caught on something and being strangled.

Once they are able to wear the collar all day and have done so for a few days to a week, then you can start to get them used to a harness and lead.

If your dog is struggling to accept a collar, harness, or lead, WitsEnd is here to help. We have a team of professionals who will help you, through training and expert advice.

Working with people from all over the country, we have had over 2000 success stories! To book an appointment or for more information, please call us on 0116 244 2455.

Dr Shahad Mohammed
Veterinary Physiotherapist
National Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists
Dr Shahad Mohammed