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10 Items That Every Dog Owner Should Own

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10 Items that every dog owner should own

Whether you are preparing to become a dog parent or already are one, here are some essential items that a dog owner should have.

Collar & ID Tag

UK law states that all pet dogs must wear a collar with identification when in a public place. This must include the owner’s name and address. The details can be inscribed on the collar itself or on a tag that is attached to the collar.

Although not required, we would also recommend including a telephone number, so that if your dog goes missing and someone finds them, they will be able to contact the dog’s owner. You do not need to include the pet’s name unless you want to.

Dogs that are microchipped still need to wear a collar and tag in public. The only exception applies to some working dogs. If you break this law, you could be fined up to £2,000.


All dog owners should have a lead for their dog. Even if your dog has good recall and you can typically walk them off lead, there will be some occasions where a lead is required, such as when you take them to an appointment, or in areas where dogs have to be on a lead.

It is a good idea to have various leads for different uses, including an extendable or long lead for more wide open spaces, and a fixed short lead for when you need to keep your dog close or have more control, such as in restricted or busy areas, or when walking by the side of the road.


We recommend walking dogs with the lead attached to a harness rather than a collar. Harnesses are beneficial for owners and their dogs. It is easier to control your dog if they are in a harness, and can help to discourage pulling.

Your dog is less likely to slip out of a harness, and a harness is less likely to cause injury such as throat damage to your dog than a collar. Harnesses are also more comfortable for your dog and can help to alleviate back pain.

Poo Bags

As a dog owner, you are responsible by law to clean up your dog’s mess. So, before you head out with your dog, you will need to make sure you have some poo bags with you.

Pop some poo bags in your pocket or bag before you go on a walk, or get a handy poo bag holder or dispenser that you can clip onto your dog lead.


All dog owners need to ensure that their dogs have access to water at all times. To provide water and food to your dog, you will first need to get some dedicated bowls.

Stainless steel or ceramic bowls are typically best for dogs. Get bowls with rubber bottoms or put them on a mat to stop them from moving around.


Dogs need a well-balanced diet to stay fit and healthy. They should have at least one meal per day. You will need to get dog food that is suited to your dog’s age, size and nutritional needs. All About Dog Food is a great website for helping you to find suitable food for your dog and budget. Here at WitsEnd, we provide a range of dog food suitable for different budgets from top brands.


Treats will help in training your dog and strengthening the bond between you and your dog. As well as being tasty, you can get treats that are beneficial to your dog’s health. For Example, there are treats available to improve the condition of their teeth or their fur.


Dogs are instinctive chewers – it is in their genes. Providing toys or chews for them to gnaw on provides them with stimulation throughout the day, and helps to prevent them from finding other things to chew which you do not want them to have.


Dog beds come in a wide range of sizes, shapes and types. Finding the right dog bed for your dog is important in ensuring they are well rested and do not develop health problems caused by an inadequate bed. It is important that their beds are comfortable and an appropriate size.

If possible, give your dog options by having a padded flat or large bed they can sprawl out on, as well as a round or oval one that they can curl up and stay cosy in.

For further advice and help in ensuring that your dog thrives, the team at WitsEnd is on hand to help, through physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, laser therapy, individual training sessions, and behaviour therapy.

Working with people from all over the country, we have had over 2000 success stories! To book an appointment or for more information, please call us on 0116 244 2455.

Dr Shahad Mohammed
Veterinary Physiotherapist
National Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists
Dr Shahad Mohammed