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How To Keep Your Dogs Cool In The Heat


As temperatures rise, it can be challenging for us to stay comfortable in the heat, and it is the same for our beloved dogs. Dogs are particularly susceptible to overheating and heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke which can be fatal.

Therefore, it is imperative for pet owners to take proactive measures to keep them cool and safe. In this blog, we’ll explore some tried-and-true methods to keep your dogs cool during the warm summer months.

Provide shade

Whether your dog is inside or outside, you must ensure that they have access to shady areas and comfortable resting spots. If you do not have a dog house or trees outdoors, you could set up a canopy. Although keeping them out of the sun on hot days is important, avoid confining them to areas without proper ventilation, such as cars or closed rooms.

Keep them hydrated

Dogs can quickly become hydrated in the heat. Make sure your dog has access to fresh, clean water at all times, and monitor their water intake closely to ensure they are drinking enough.

Carry a water bowl and collapsible bowl during walks or outings and regularly offer them water. If your dog is hesitant to drink, try feeding them foods with high water content, such as watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, celery, and cucumbers.

Use cooling products

There are many cooling products designed specifically for keeping pets cool. You can get cooling mats, vets, and bandanas to help regulate your dog’s body temperature. These products often use gel or water-absorbent materials which stay cool for a while.

Limit outdoor activity

Avoid walking or exercising your dog during the warmest part of the day, which is usually between 10 am and 4 pm. Opt for walks and playtime in the early morning or late evening when it is typically cooler.

Always test the ground with your hand before taking your dog for a walk on a hot day. A dog’s paw pads are sensitive and can burn on hot pavements.

Avoid strenuous activities

Although exercise is important all year round, avoid any high-intensity activities which can put a strain on your dog’s body in hot weather. Stick to low-impact exercises and keep play sessions and walks short.

Give them frozen treats

Providing your dog with frozen treats not only helps to keep them cool but also provides enrichment which is particularly important when they are not getting as much exercise. Fill Kong toys or similar toys with peanut butter or yoghurt and dog treats or food and freeze them.

Get them wet

Put on a sprinkler or fill a paddling pool with shallow water to allow your dog to cool off whilst having some fun splashing around. Just make sure that the water is clean and free of any chemicals.

As well as knowing how to keep your dog cool, it is important to know the signs of heatstroke. These include excessive panting or thirst, drooling, vomiting, lethargy, cherry red gums, rapid heart rate, and unconsciousness.

If your dog displays signs of heat stroke, cool them down by spraying them with water, wrapping them in a cool, wet towel, or placing them in a cool bath, and try giving them small amounts of cool water to drink. If symptoms do not subside or your dog is unconscious, contact your veterinarian right away.

Heatstroke is a serious condition, but it is preventable. By taking steps to keep your dog cool and hydrated, you can help prevent them from getting heatstroke.

Dr Shahad Mohammed
Veterinary Physiotherapist
National Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists
Dr Shahad Mohammed