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The Healing Power of Hydrotherapy For Your Canine Companion


Hydrotherapy for canines is becoming more and more popular, which isn’t surprising as it offers a wide range of benefits and water itself has been long-recognised for its healing properties. The power of hydrotherapy can promote healing, alleviate pain and improve the overall well-being of dogs. Let’s have a deeper look into the healing power of hydrotherapy for canines and the advantages it can provide.

1. Physical rehabilitation

Canine hydrotherapy is renowned for its effectiveness in both recovery from injury and post-surgery rehabilitation, as it provides a low-impact environment that promotes muscle strengthening. As the dog’s weight is supported by the water itself, there is a lot less stress on the joints while the dog exercises. Carrying out exercise within this controlled environment means rehabilitation can be more targeted, speeding up the recovery process.

2. Weight management

Obesity is rising in the canine world and can lead to similar long-term health issues as obese humans: diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, and even some cancers. Hydrotherapy for canines is a great weight management tool and can help with overall fitness too. As the water provides resistance during exercise, it makes it more challenging and the muscles have to work harder.

3. Relief from arthritis

Arthritis is common among older dogs and with canine hydrotherapy, there is the option to use warm water as well as cold water (depending on the intended use). Warm water hydrotherapy can provide soothing relief against arthritis in dogs by promoting relaxation and reducing inflammation.

4. Improved cardiovascular health

Hydrotherapy for canines can really help engage the cardiovascular system, improving circulation and the flow of blood around the body. This means that oxygen is delivered to the cells more efficiently, and waste products are also removed more quickly. Regular canine hydrotherapy sessions are extremely beneficial for older dogs, helping to keep their heart healthy for longer.

5. Reduced inflammation

The pressure exerted by the water helps to reduce swelling and inflammation in injured dogs, and can also help to speed up the healing process. The buoyancy of the water reduces the impact on a dog’s joints, providing optimal conditions for healing.

6. Longevity and quality of life

The benefits of canine hydrotherapy extend beyond the initial improvements – dogs that undergo regular therapy not only recover from injuries faster but they have a much better quality of life as they age.

7. Mental & emotional well-being

As well as the physical benefits, hydrotherapy can have a huge positive mental impact on dogs. Water creates a calming effect which in turn helps to reduce stress and anxiety, perfect for those who have recently had stressful surgery or are coping with long-term pain.

When is it best to start hydrotherapy?

At WitsEnd, we have both a custom-built heated hydrotherapy pool and a water treadmill. With injuries and chronic joint conditions, the muscles in the affected limb can tense up and the dog then compensates on the other limbs. In addition to the muscle tension there can also be muscle loss.

Immediately swimming a dog can be challenging for them, particularly if they have never been in the water before, and splashing around can mean over-stretching affected joints and muscles.

With humans it is generally recommended to start off with physiotherapy,  with massage and stretching, to stretch tightened muscles. Likewise, at WitsEnd we offer a physiotherapy and laser therapy service to treat affected joints and muscles, as well as giving you exercises to carry out as home. At the next session 7-14 days later and if the muscles have relaxed, we can begin water therapy.

Here at WitsEnd we have our very own hydrotherapy pool, in a purpose-built suite at our training centre. Whether you want to bring your dog for fun, fitness, rehab or to gain more confidence in the water we can help. To book an appointment or for more information, please call us on 0116 244 2455.

Dr Shahad Mohammed
Veterinary Physiotherapist
National Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists
Dr Shahad Mohammed