Wrap up warm
Even Monty the labrador is feeling the cold. However the little fella has got the right idea.
The weather is very cold and damp and it is advisable for those dogs with joint problems to take it steady:
1. Look outside and see what the weather is doing and if its grim pop a coat on your dog.
2. If you have a close friend or family member with arthritis ask them how they are feeling today. If they are feeling sore your dog is also likely to be feeling sore.
3. If you need to take them for a walk keep the walks nice and slow and short (no more than 10-15mins) which allows them to stretch their legs but stops them from getting a chill in their joints.
4. The use of heat packs can help soothe achy joints, however at the start of an acute flare up a cold pack can be very beneficial (always wrap the heat/ice pack in a tea towel to prevent hot and cold burns).
5. Massage and stretching can be of enormous benefit.
6. Hydrotherapy.
At WitsEnd this is our expertise and appointments can be booked with our veterinary physiotherapist Dr Shahad Mohammed. Shahad has 9 years of physiotherapy experience and 12 years of hydrotherapy experience and is registered with the National Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists and works on veterinary referral with many of the veterinary practices within Leicester.